



共同所有人、常务董事 & 课程讲师

Mr. Cooper is Managing Director of the National RV Training Academy as well as its founder and original teacher. 更广为人知的名字是德州MG娱乐游戏教授, Cooper brings to the table not only his experience from years of teaching RV tech at Texas State Technical College in Waco and intervening years conducting mobile RV Tech courses throughout the country, but also of years managing RV service departments.

Cooper is the heart and soul of the National RV Training Academy. The mission of the school is in fact his own personal mission. 他的热情具有感染力。. Even a brief conversation with this man is inspirational on multiple levels.

The Big Red Schoolhouse and 社区中心, the new home base of the NRVTA was Cooper’s vision. 他的故事是如何成为鼓舞人心的. He does not hesitate to speak of faith and destiny. He does not hesitate to describe this school as his calling.

You might think that lectures on RV systems would run a little dry. But when Cooper speaks, his mastery of the subjects permeates the room. Story after story bring his points home and make them memorable.

库珀是一位杰出的教师...真正出色的. But, perhaps even better, is his legacy as a mentor. 他有一种发现人的潜力的方法, calling it out even when they themselves may be unaware. He carefully nurtures, encourages and develops that potential.

The result at NRVTA is a group of faculty members who are not only talented, 但同时也激励着我做出改变. 同时,把他对导师的教诲传递下去.

与学生, Cooper not only teaches the ins and outs of RV systems, 解决问题和“紫猴”两集, he takes a personal interest in those he serves. In so doing, he models a caring attitude, that frankly is often missing in business and in school. That attitude carries-over in the way graduates conduct their businesses and interact with their clients.

用更正式的说法, Cooper is a Master Certified RV Technician and a Professional Technical Trainer. He is the recipient of the National Scholastic Achievement Award from RVIA (Recreational Vehicle Industry Association). He is president of the National MG娱乐游戏检查员s Association.

作为学院的常务董事, Cooper is responsible for curriculum development and implementation.

Cooper has also been tasked with overseeing the “Train the Trainer” program that develops qualified instructors to not only train at the National RV Training Academy but also go to dealerships, 露营地, 集会和MG娱乐游戏展来教育他人.

He serves as the liaison and technical contact for RV vendors, manufacturers and suppliers that wish to utilize the National RV Training Academy facility to educate their customers and train their technical installers.

Cooper exemplifies leadership through service. He embodies the concepts of bringing intention into physical reality, 相信需求会得到充分满足, 过着有目标的生活.


Evada Cooper,MG娱乐游戏厨房专家

共同所有人 & 办公室管理员

Evada Cooper is the 办公室管理员 for the National RV Training Academy - oversees billing, 开具发票并担任学生顾问.  共同所有人 of the Texan RV Park – lives on-site working in the day-to-day operations.

也被称为, 《MG娱乐游戏》, 她在集会上提供教育研讨会, RV shows and other venues on ‘RV Kitchens – How does it all work.’  A past restaurant owner of 15 years - a full time RV for over 10 years – married to Terry Cooper – mother of 2 grown daughters -  Stephanie and Gina.

“我的热情是帮助建立MG娱乐游戏行业.   As a result of living as a solo-RVer at the beginning of my full time experience in 2007, I know the how it feels to not understand how it all works.  在学院的日常运作中, it is my pleasure to be play an important part in assisting with student enrollment, providing RV lifestyle training and/or helping with goal setting for a new career. We welcome everyone to come and learn about your RV and perhaps jump in with starting a new career or side business.——E·库珀夫人



共同所有人,运营总监 & 小企业导师

史蒂夫•安德森 has been an entrepreneur most of his life.  Since 2005, he has owned and operated Workamper 新闻.  Its mission is to connect the RVer with opportunities to experience America one job at a time.  This mission remains strong and has been key in leading him to the development of other industry supporting businesses such as RV Inspection Connection and the National MG娱乐游戏检查员s Association.

史蒂夫 provides the administrative and operation expertise for the Texan RV Park which serves as the home of the National RV Training Academy.  He also serves as Chairman of the 董事会 for the Big Red School House & 社区中心.  This facility will house the courses presented by the National RV Training Academy.

史蒂夫带来的力量, along with years of experience and his connections with Workampers across America plays a key in the success of the NRVTA.




凯西·乔·安德森 has been alongside her husband, 史蒂夫, 通过他所有的创业努力.  As a co-owner of the NRVTA as well as 史蒂夫's other businesses, she has always been there to offer her support and guidance.   Her role at the NRVTA focuses on the big picture and the future of the organization.